Five Tips for Building Strong Customer Relationships
In a recent survey, customers said that the #1 reason they do business with a particular company is because of a relationship with someone within that company. The same survey also showed that 97% of customers did business with a particular salesperson because they liked and trusted that person. Thus, as salespeople, having a strong relationship in which people like and trust us is more important than any other factor in the sales process.
Key Sales Success Traits That Require No Talent
Many of the most successful salespeople are not Rhode Scholars and they possess no particular talents or gifts. Some might say, “Well, wait, they have the gift of gab. That’s a talent.” Yes, some do, but many do not, and many are introverts who are not super-comfortable on the social scene. That said, they are still successful. The reason being is that a lot, if not all, of the most important sales success traits don’t require you to be a member of Mensa nor do they require you to be a born socialite equipped with a silver tongue. So, what are these key success traits that almost anyone from any walk of life can have? Here they are…
Six More Success Traits of Top Salespeople
In last month’s article, I wrote about six success traits of top salespeople. In this article I’ll cover six more. As a refresher, here are the first six: a positive attitude, being action oriented, being prepared, being businesslike and business-savvy, the ability to stand out from the crowd, and finally, likeability, trustworthiness, and the ability to build relationships. Now, here are the additional six.
Six Success Traits of Top Producers
Most problems and complaints in sales and other relationships arise from poor communication. Poor communication most often results from either miscommunication or a lack of communication. Below are thirteen steps to ensure you communicate effectively.
How to Communicate Effectively When Selling and at Other Times
Most problems and complaints in sales and other relationships arise from poor communication. Poor communication most often results from either miscommunication or a lack of communication. Below are thirteen steps to ensure you communicate effectively.
Follow These Basics to Ensure Sales Success
John Wooden, perhaps the best college basketball coach ever, used to start each season by showing players how to properly put on their socks and sneakers as a mistake here could ‘domino-effect’ its way all the way to lost games. Vince Lombardi, the great Green Bay Packers coach, once said that football basically comes down to two things: blocking on offense and tackling on defense, and those great Packer teams spent 80% of their time practicing those two basics.